Sunday 10 November 2013

Photo of the day.

My final hair design in progress...

Blonde bob

I always like to practise the techniques I have learnt so far. So I blow dried a model's hair for practise. I love the layered effect with short hair and the curve that it gets. Keeping up appearances... 


Approaching this course from an artistic perspective with a photographic eye enables me to bring that to a photo shoot. Whereas Hair and make-up is completely new to me. I feel like I thought about the hair design a lot more in my final photo shoot because I wanted the whole of the model to encapsulate the idea I was going for.
I researched a lot of mermaid images because I already had the idea of envy being related to green but I wanted to add more to the character in the image. I loved the idea of a fishtail plait because it obviously looks like a mermaids tail. But also a plait is a very rigid and tight hair style and fits with the tension of envy. I wove the green ribbon in and out of the hair to make sure green was flowing throughout.
One of the best things that came from this photo shoot can be seen in the second image. Using the hair dryer I managed to flick the plait up and the ribbon went into a mermaid tail shape which was added feature of the mermaid idea.
With the first image the hair has been blown back by the hair dryer which is a great effect because it makes it look like the model is underwater which is exactly what I wanted.

Experimenting with final designs

I am still waiting for my hair extensions to arrive so in the mean time I have to practise on models with really long hair. I am glad we are designing these hair ideas on ourselves because then we know exactly how to style it and what we have to work with. I just wish it was easier to do the style on ourselves. 

I experimented with the two different plaits and what they would look like next to each other and I really like the contrast in shapes that it creates. One thing I realised was that I wanted the plaits to be really thick so they will have ribbon and auburn extension in them to really bulk them out. 

Despite the fact it is tricky to try out the style on my own hair I gave the front section a go just to see what it would look like and here are the results...

I was quite pleased with the result but I am thinking about adjusting the design because it takes a long time to do everything that I want. One thing that I loved was that my hair is dip dyed so it is auburn/ginger at the bottom and when I did the pin curls the lightest bit ended up on the top which was very similar to an Elizabethan look.
Back to the drawing board, I think.

Final Hair designs

From my first ever Hair and Postiche lesson I knew I wanted to do a hair collar... NO MATTER WHAT!
I didn't think I would get the opportunity to do it but designing it is fun but the theory behind it is pretty tricky. As you can see in the images below I have drawn my hair design from a front, side and back angle. The hair will be split into 4 sections. The front is split into 2 sections by a middle parting, one side pin curls and one side curly and back-combed.
A zig-zig parting will lead the hair to split into two equal section that will have auburn hair extensions plaited into them. Then using garden wire I will shape the plaits into a ruff/collar.

Now to give it a try...

Fishtail plait on long hair

Knowing that I was going to have long hair on the model I was using for my photo shoot I decided to practise doing a fishtail plait on long hair so I was prepared for the actual shoot. I found that when you start from the very top of the head it was hard to keep the hair tight. Also the usual pattern of creating a fishtail plait gets easier when you aren't trying to add more hair. I used the green ribbon in the plait but making sure it was visible through the plait was difficult.