Monday 7 October 2013

On top of the world, In the palm of my hand

I have chosen this Elizabethan image because of the voluptuousness of the dress and how it is mirrored in her hairstyle. Her dress is very extravagant and yet her hands and her face seem so insignificant in comparison. The dress is full of colour and shouts so many colours and shapes yet her hands are so dainty in this image.
The way Elizabethan women dressed during this period was very symbolic of their power but one element of symbolism that is in this image is the fact that her hand is on top of the world. This suggests that she is a powerful woman or a figure of power.
In the other hand is a rose which completely contrasts with the idea that the world under hand makes her seem powerful. A rose symbolises a delicate woman with an element of fragility.
I believe the reason why women wore big dresses with high collars was to seem bigger. If they could have more physical presence than men than that could be considered having actual power.
Everything is laced with detail and exciting colours and patterns and her head wear makes her seem regal.
Her make-up is very plain except for really rouged cheeks. This is a very feminine feature and stands out against her very pale face. She also has pink lips to enhance her femininity.
Her hair is very similar in style and colour to Elizabeth 1 who was seen as an idol for her style. Most women with money would have tightly curled hair and use chemical to make their hair a ginger colour, just like Elizabeth 1.
This image is a perfect example of the way fashion was depicted during the Elizabethan era and how Elizabeth 1 was an idol to the women. It also gives an idea of how make-up, hair and its importance originated.

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