Sunday 20 October 2013

Introduction to Hair and Postiche- Elizabethan Era

This unit will see us looking at how hair was important during the Elizabethan period in terms of wealth and power. Thinking about techniques that were used and hairstyles and trends that were prominent, then transforming and creating a contemporary version.

Taking the idea of not just using actual hair to create a hairstyle but using the materials that we bring or are given. Looking at the design concept of hair and how hair was and can be sculpted. In terms of creating contemporary versions of Elizabethan hairstyles we will take into consideration current trends and look at people that have created their own modern versions of hairstyles from different eras, i.e Paloma Faith.

We will have the chance to understand a brief and be able to work under the importance of a particular design brief. This will culminate in us design a complex contemporary hairstyle through thorough consideration and draw up a step-by-step instruction of what we want our hair to look like and give it to someone else to create.

We will gather inspiration through images and quotes from the Elizabethan era, as well as researching current fashion trends that might have incorporated an Elizabethan element. 

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